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Mark Smith on

Wow, nice rant bro.  I think you're mixing reality with your own paranoid delusions.  Yea, the site is messed up, there are scammers ( on all dating sites) and there are likely inactive profiles that show up in search results, etc.  However, your claim there are no real or attractive women is bogus.  I met and was in a relationships for a year and a half with a beautiful woman I met on OKC.  She approached me initially.  I was so incredultous that an attractive woman would approach that I actually thought she was a scammer until we spoke on the phone. lol.  The moral of the story is to manage your expectations and use online dating as part of an overall strategy to widen your social network.  Be realistic and screen carefully for liars and scammers. 

BTW my account is still blocked and all attempts to unblock me have failed claiming I am infected with a bot.  I know this is not true because the last time they unblocked me, I logged on from my work laptop and from another state.  I was blocked within hours!! 

OKCupid, get you s!*t together!!!  You're the ONLY site that runs these rediculous scripts that throw out (PAYING) babies with the bathwater!!