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On payment information page will not proceed to Review. Oops Something Went Wrong!

Wed, 04/14/2021 - 12:25pm - Anonymous

When choosing a payment method - both Debit Card and Babnk Account Options - after choosing method you are supposed to go to review but the page will not process and gives an error message, that says -

"Oops something went wrong!  There is a problem with the ID expiration date. Please check it and re-enter"    C1899

On for those accounts there is NO ID required.  There is zero place to input and ID with an expiration date.

I have had this issue since FEb 2021 and have been unable to send money since Feb 2, 2021.  I have contacted via email WU customer service multiple times.  At first they didny know what I was talking about and told me to enter ID and I told them there is no place to do that, tell me how to do it, then they told me to clear browser data, cookies and history.  Did not work. 

Several week later that informed me on a follow up that it is a "known issue" and their customer service team is working on it.  My wifes account had the same problem trying to use her bank account.  Weeks later have heard nothing, still trying to pay via debit card - which expires in June of this year.  It gives me same error message to use my bank account.  LAst week my wife went on and used her bank account and finally the page processed and to her to an ID screen where she inputed her drivers license.  Computer Desktop using Google Chrome and Windows 7.

This was totally new.  However on my laptop using Windows 8.1 and Google Chrome it will not function and trying to use my account on the Desktop using Windows 7 it still will not function or take me to the screen it took my wifes account.

I cannot find any C1899 error in Western Union pages to troubleshoot and seem like few other people are talking about this issue in United States anyway so dont know what the problem is and they are sure not working hard to resolve it.