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account sign in blocked

Thu, 07/28/2016 - 3:18pm - Anonymous

Attempt to comply with merging of checking and trust account with one account sign in/password for both accounts. Tech support "helpful" this morning advisng that my trust account manager had not authorized viewing of the trust account online and the manager would be notified and it would take at least 3 days-not a problem is the account is view only which is fine. However, now I can view my checking account on line since they took away the ability to do so--thank god that I don't use wells fargo biil pay. Sad part I attempted to sign in several times without being able to since neither the password/user name was not accepted. Then I got an email from Wells Fargo security that they had blocked any further attempts as it appear the attempts were possible fraud and that I should reset my password. Those attempts to reset the past word and user name failed as they were no long vaild. I marked the email as spam