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d_robe on

I got my account of 3 years blockeds and get the "technical difficulties" message.  Here's the deal about OKC.  IF you sign up as a lesbian that does not want to see straight people, you get an instant message from a girl named Alice.  She has a profile as a lesbian and her message is about how lesbians can find a better match.  

IT IS OBVIIOUS that this site is run by lesbians looking for box.  It is sexual orientation discrimination.  It is ILLEGAL and if it ever comes out that the site is being run by women who hate men and discriminate against them, this site will be sued for millions and taken down.

At first, I just guessed that this was the situation, but when I created a fake lesbian account, I found that OKC employees were hitting me up to meet up.  This is a very weird situation and I am enjoying f!*#ing with those feminazi's heads.  I might even make a fake meetup for this Alice chick (New York) and make her travel to an empty meeting for being such a c u n t.