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Danielle Ferguson on

i know what it's like to be stoo up that happened to me the guy never told me he had a girlfriend and i found out the night he stood me up that he had a girlfriend then a few weeks to a month later he said that he got me pregnat when i've never had sex this happened when i was in high school i write poetry to help me get over things because i have mild depression as well as focal seizures i have blacked out from having really bad seizure's and every guy i've tryed to date has dumped me i don't know what i'm doing wrong for this to happen all i want is to be loved by someone other then family is that to much to ask for if you get to know me when i date someone i'm loyal i don't beleve in cheating on the person i'm in a relationship with i try to treat other's the way i like to be treated it's the way i was raisedÂ